Wednesday, October 28, 2009

THIS is the true definition of "word-vomit."

uhhhh. fall break was not long enough. not at all. :(

being in lancaster made me think of all these things that speak of *home* to room, passing horse-and-buggies, playing take-one, spades, food!, cousins, being snarky with my brother, sitting on the counter by the dishwasher and talking to my dad, being late or almost late to church, Frazz...

today if you asked me how i would define myself, my answer would be "lacking cohesiveness." i have no ability to string my thoughts together in one straight logical line. it's frustrating to be sure; i feel like i have lost control of my brain.

1.) in the bathroom we have these sheets of paper that ask a random question, like "What characteristics do you look for in a guy?" and "What brings you joy?" We rotate them all the time so there is always something new. The last one was "What brings you joy?" and I said grammatically correct science handouts. It's true. I get SO mad when there are too many commas! Or spelling errors! Or not enough commas!

I mean...if you even knew how many times I have gone back and edited this blog after I posted something...

2.) When I got back from fall break I was opening the door from the stairwell onto 3rd East when I heard "Is that Emily Harnish?" As I said "yes!" with my foot kicking the door open (my arms were full of my junk) I heard a (loud) yell and then people (Tessa and Thia) were mobbing me. And everyone was laughing. I finally got disentangled and realized half of my hall plus Jon and Zach were sitting in the hall waiting to welcome the stragglers as they finally arrived at EMU. :) Best welcome of my life.

3.) My African violet is blooming!

4.) Jordan Landis randomly contacted me today to ask how college is going...made me think, because I was like - how can i summarize EMU in a short enough paragraph to put on facebook? I found out he had swine flu, which made me think about people struggling with infectious disease all over the world. If you guys think about it pray for people who don't have access to good health care.

5.) Earlier I put up a draft of a post. I finally feel the need to expand on that.
a.) Meg was talking about how we don't really live like hell is a real place. Meditate on that for a while.
b.) Alice - is awesome! hmm...Meg and Alice were in Thia and my room last week and we were talking about lots of things. One of them was churches in Egypt. Alice says that Coptic and Orthodox churches have a really good grasp on the holiness and glory of God. They don't dumb him down, in her words. And they realize that life isn't about us.
You know what a really interesting thing to do is? Think about how your religion came to be. First Christianity, then Protestantism, then Anabaptism. I have been musing on the theology of the Trinity recently, as well as the concept of hell. And if every word in the Bible is to be taken literally - and if it is not, then how should it be interpreted? In World Religions we have briefly talked about how different religions focus on orthodoxy (right belief) vs. orthopraxy (right action), and I have come to the conclusion that 1.) I'm glad I belong to a faith tradition within Christianity that focuses on servanthood and 2.) I think I need to study church history. I want to know about what was decided at different church councils in the 4th century, etc etc.
Also...I REALLY hope that I get into the cross-cultural to the Middle East next year. :/ Really, really, really...
c.) somewhere I heard God referred to as "the uncreated one." Isn't that a sweet description?
d.) Sometimes the Mennonite world feels too small. There is a certain professor that my friend has who is *scary* and she happens to have a facebook, and TWO of my relatives are her facebook friend! :O
That is so wrong.

AND, in a shout-out to Jess and Chad: Its also weird that you know Peter Dula. And that you call him Pete. My transitions teacher also does that...I guess that is what he went by in school, but it feels very odd seeing as how all of the students on campus call him by his full first name, and when they are referring to him in conversation, they often also use his last. It is sort of like he is a legend and we are all fangirls or something...I can't even count the number of times someone has heard I'm in World Religions and said "Is that a Peter Dula class?"


e.) I'm running out of motivation to finish "word-vomiting" my thoughts...I still have lots to do tonight. And Andrea will be here tomorrow!!!!!!! :D
So this will be my reminder to finish talking about the metaphor in my next post.


I guess that's all. hah. That makes me think of watching looney tunes with my brother and porkey pig saying "th-th-th-that's all, folks!" ;)

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