makes me think that I can think creatively. She says everyone can. Be creative, that is.
And she says that artists make people see the world in a new way; everyone can be an artist.
Today in Honors we had a lecture by a professor named Mark Metzler Sawin. He is a history prof who has traveled to Croatia as a Fulbright scholar, teaching school kids there about the history of racial segregation and the eventual Civil Rights movement in America. He used music as his medium, asking - What drives social change? Laws? or something else?
The "something else" that he came up with was pop culture.
So today I had this huge crash course on the history of music in America, beginning with blues in the deep South states of Louisiana and Missippi, and ending with Rock and Roll and HipHop. And as I had black culture on the mind, I thought of this poem:
...which I remembered because I absolutely adore the ending:
Toiling over a lump of clay
Till He shaped it in His own image;
Then into it He blew the breath of life,
And man became a living soul.
Amen. Amen.
And anyway, I just thought of this poem and then I was excited because I connected Honors and History taught by Mark Sawin to Biology and Creation and to Literature and to Ethics where we are soon talking about LAND and Creation Care and to the idea of rhythm and I think I just had a creative moment! ha. I guess this probably doesn't mean much to anyone else, but right now I just feel like I am shooting my brain backwards in time to before all my excess neural connections were pruned. Like...everything seems like it connects. Even random things like sleeping on the hill in solidarity with refugees makes me think of Ethics and the idea of justice and it reminds me of Jess Sarriot who is running a club to promote divestment of money in Israel try to force just action towards Palestinians. Which reminds me of World Religions and Judaism. Which reminds me of my textbook No God but God - which is explaining the roots, theology, and future of Islam. Which makes me think of A Thousand Splendid Suns [reference my sweet new list of FAVORITE BOOKS to the right!] and literature; makes me think of the importance of poetry!!!! in culture and how nice it is to be surrounded by a whole huge community of people who read. Even boys read. Every time I write that statement I feel like I have found my true home at last... ;)
So anyway. Rejoice with me in the return of my brain to its infant form.
so, did you forget that your brother reads?
ReplyDeleteno. but he reads different stuff than me.