Friday, October 23, 2009


Let's take a moment to glory in that fact, folks! AH.

Do you know how much I love this house and the people in it? :) :) :)

So. (Annie Dillard! Yay! Please read Living like Weasels!). I already got to have good conversation with my dad. I told him that I feel like I can word-vomit to him and he helps me clean it up. Which, you know, possibly not the prettiest word picture but probably one of the most complimentary ones I could give. You all know how much I love words; and if there is one thing I love more than just-words it is words-that-obey-me-and-mean-what-I-want.

And now I feel I must clarify a previous post, for my father's wisdom has pointed out that there is both faulty logic and emphasis on wrong words...horror of horrors.

I said, quoting a friend of a friend in a previous post, "We are democrats cause the church sucks so much." In talking about this with my Dad, I said that I think people possibly have values espoused by the Republican party but they think that the Democrats DO things that line up with their values, or something like that. To which my Dad said, "maybe Republicans are trying to teach the value of self-reliance/self-sustenance."

Yeah, I don't really have much to say to this. Cause he also pointed out that Republicans do deeds of compassion but possibly in secret? or something radical like that? Right.

So now I need to clarify this statement because it will be interpreted wrongly if the emphasis is placed on the word Democrat.

My clarification of what I meant to point out by quoting Meg's friend is this:
Please read that statement understanding the mindset of the speaker. Many young people feel disillusioned by church and feel like if church/God/religion is going to be meaningful at ALL, then the people belonging to said church/God/religion need to show compassion. We need to have actions that back up what we say. And I think a lot of people - my experience is young people, but maybe it is all people, i don't know - feel like churches contain lots of people who say really beautiful things but have a faith that if it was a flavor would taste like artificial grape. As in: really fake.

This entry on my blog is to say that I don't think Christians need to be conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican, wealthy or poor, old or young...I am trying really hard to get past the labels I am so used to sticking on people. What I wanted to get across, and STRONGLY, is that if church is to be vital, it must be full of people who will show compassion at every turn. We need to see the pain of the world.

And - we need to make our faith have the tenor, timbre, taste of the real.

See how wise my daddy is? :)
Oh, there's no place like home.

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