Thursday, October 15, 2009

I did it! I did it!

I kept the secret that Thia's sister is coming to she's here and I can share that I kept this secret for like a MONTH and I didn't tell anyone til yesterday! Ha! I do so have self-discipline. :D And Thia never suspected. :D :D :D

This is to serve as a reminder to tell you all ... y'all?...about the Rich Young Rulers.

Tomorrow - no wait. Today I am teaching Honors. AHHHHH! So scared.


  1. ^ is a perfect example of a blog writing itself, with a crazy person as an overseer. hahaha :]

  2. and you'll tell us how teaching went after it's done?

  3. yeah i told grandma to expect a post this weekend... maybe i'll get it up tonight. still processing, haha
