Monday, September 13, 2010

slow start

so i've had a bit of a slow start to my blog this school year...

its not for lack of trying; more like lack of energy. every time i remember my blog i just can't even fathom getting up enough energy to try to write something in it. and my stupid perfectionist side won't let me write just a little, no, i always feel like i have to make some epic post with a profound thought or a great quote or a snippet of a poem or the summary of my last week (or month, depending on how long its been). sort of self-defeating, because the longer i wait to write, the harder it feels to actually start a post.

all that to say, here is a baby-step in which i am letting you all know that
a.) this school year is awesome
b.) but its super busy
c.) i'm learning lots of stuff
d.) its good to see my friends again
e.) i love the early church! :)

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