Monday, September 20, 2010

lessons from the first 3 weeks

so far this semester i have learned that i am limited.

this may seem like an obvious truth but it is not one that i have really, honestly run up against until now. this semester i have University Physics 1, Advanced Cell Biology, Analytical Chemistry, 80 works, and Honors. its a lot of work, and lots of new thoughts - i now have, for the first time, 5 classes that i can't skip, 5 textbooks that i have to read and take notes from, 5 courses to juggle and not let *any* drop. until now i have always been able to slide my through at least one class because i knew most of the information already.

no more!

its the third week and after tomorrow afternoon i will already have utilized professors' office hours 3 times, which is about how many times i took advantage of that in the whole of last year.

it is sort of startling to realize i need help too. hah. i guess i'll be getting used to it, now -

1 comment:

  1. I'm limited too, sigh.
    I'm worried about this semester, seems already wear-n-tear worthy. (chicken noodle soup prayers abounding.)

    i miss the days of:
    "and in that moment,
    I swear we were infinite."
