Tuesday, April 29, 2014

day 29: Proverbs & Tiny Psalms, by Antonio Machado

Today was supposed to be "Late Fragment" by Raymond Carver, but I couldn't get a recording I was happy with. So instead I bring you an excerpt of "Proverbs & Tiny Psalms" by Antonio Machado (translation from the Robert Bly collection The Soul is Here For Its Own Joy).
Yo amo a Jesús, que nos dijo:
Cielo y tierra pasarán.
Cuando cielo y tierra pasen
mi palabra quedará.
¿Cuál fue, Jesús, tu palabra?
¿Amor? ¿Perdón? ¿Caridad?
Todas tus palabras fueron
una palabra: Velad.

1 comment:

  1. This post is beautiful and so profound. I am amazed at how you can put things in words like this and it connects with me in such meaningful ways. I would say that your thoughts on singing in parts says something I feel deep inside but could never have put in words like this. Thank you, Grandma
