My life just got a whole lot more difficult.
As I've done every fall, I will give a brief overview of each of my classes...
As I've done every fall, I will give a brief overview of each of my classes...
Organic Chemistry: is going to be difficult but interesting. Also, out of my science classes, probably the easiest. (that is a terrifying statement!) My lecture is being taught by an adjuct prof this semester, because Dr. Tara Kishbaugh is on sabbatical this year. The new professor is British, which definitely makes listening to lectures more pleasant. :) My lab is taught by Matt Siderhurst, who I had for Gen Chem II and the lab section of Analytical Chemistry.
Mammalian Anatomy: This class is SO SCARY. We began our dissection on Tuesday, before we had even begun any lectures. My lab section is 8 people, with two cadavers. There is a ridiculous amount of stuff to know. The first day, to know where we were supposed to cut, we learned these places/parts on/of the human body (among other things) - external occipital protuberance, mastoid process of the temporal bone, vertebra prominens (C7), crest of the ilium, spine of the scapula, inferior angle of the scapula, acromion, crest of the illium, T6...
Biochemistry Seminar and Research: I have to develop a research project and do it. Help!
Love & Politics in Dante and Milton: Maybe I should have been an english major. :) I really like this class - we are reading Dante's Inferno right now, and already after only 2 hours of class I feel like I've started to see some things in new ways. Tuesday night we talked about Dante's love for Beatrice changing his whole life, making everything else more beautiful. Kevin Seidel, my professor, asked "What is the civic duty of love?" How can we rethink love as more than something between two people, but as a powerful force with the ability to reshape entire communities?
History of Recent America: really cool class talking about 1941-the present, using lots of media (magazines, advertisements, propaganda films from the 40's, 50's, etc. I haven't taken a history class at EMU yet, but I think that this one will be relatively easy to enter - that is, I don't think it will be a problem that I haven't studied much history.
Ceramics: I won't have this class until Monday. But I'm predicting it will be a lot of fun.
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