Thursday, January 14, 2010

information overload...hard drive will combust in 5,4,3,2,1!


i am beginning to think that i am sort of overcompensating for my feelings of boredom from last semester. !!! lets take a look at my schedule, shall we?

GenChem II:
lots of cool stuff coming up - enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs free energy, Redox reactions, self-directed labs involving plants and copper ions... my lab is at a normal time which is SWEET, and my professor is super cool too. His name is Matt Siderhurst and he is the brother of Camp Hebron's camp pastor from last year. He is interested in invasive species and has done research in Hawaii on invasive ants. And he is the one with the dreds.

Elementary Arabic:
so fun! and so hard! my professor, Louis Yako, is really great. He is Iraqi and speaks Aramaic, Turkmen, Kurdish, Arabic, and English. He is in love with language, having majored in English Lit and Linguistics in college. He went to college in Europe and got his masters in the US at Lehigh (I think) on a Fulbright Scholarship. Arabic is fun to write but it is hard to speak. I have a DVD that came with my textbook and right now I am trying to learn the short vowels - and it is quite difficult.

Statistics for the Natural Sciences:
I will be SO grateful when we get to actually do some interesting math. right now i am just learning the "language" of statistics. for example, did you know that there is a difference between an "upper class limit" and an "upper class boundary?" No? yeah, neither did I.

Speech: I am sensing impending doom, gloom, terror, and overall unhappiness ahead. My feeling about this class can be summed up in the following story: I got lost, ended up in the wrong class, and walked into the right class 10 minutes late. and I don't have any friends in it. :(

Cultural Anthropology: makes me happier. today we were supposed to define "Menno culture" in class. that provided some laughs. i don't think i can really define yet what this class will be like. i'll talk more about it later.

Intro to Theology: SO GOOD. The professor, Ted Grimsrud, opens class with prayer. It just makes me so happy. It is A LOT OF READING. I can't even explain...every class we are supposed to turn in a reading response for what we read. Packets, articles, 5 or 6 textbooks... AHHHHHH. I think my head might explode. But it is still good.

and, as if this all wasn't enough, I emailed Professor Christian Early to ask if I could sit in on his class Politics: Conceptions of the Common Good. He is the professor who is teaching Ways of Knowing, which I was going to take before the Administration moved Arabic to 4th period...long story. Meg is taking Conceptions of Common Good and told me it is amazing, so I decided to see if I could just sit in on the class for no credit, just to learn. and he said yes, so tomorrow I will be in my first real Philosophy class!!! Philosophy without being graded. Epic.

I literally am not going to have time to eat lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I guess I can eat after Stats finishes at 2:30 and before my work study at 3. Crazy, right? But I feel this hunger for thinking and knowledge and theology and new words and that hunger runs deeper than hunger for lunch. so its all good.

i'm going to be a bit of a crazy woman this semester. probably won't be blogging as much. or sleeping as much, come to think of it. :), as alif baa (my arabic workbook) says, Yalla bina! Let's go!

1 comment:

  1. You have to teach me all about the science things I would miss.

    Also... philosophy without homework (except we voluntarily read the book) epic, indeed.

    and.. "that hunger runs deeper than hunger for lunch." yess. I'm right there with you... stomach growling. (and Christian Early doesn't mind if we eat in his class.)
