Pronunciation: \ˈin-tər-ˌlüd\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English enterlude, from Medieval Latin interludium, from Latin inter- + ludus play — more at ludicrous
Date: 14th century
1 : a usually short simple play or dramatic entertainment
2 : an intervening or interruptive period, space, or event : interval
3 : a musical composition inserted between the parts of a longer composition, a drama, or a religious service
these weeks between coming back from colorado and working at camp are an interlude for me - definition 2. and its weird, because it means i have time. space. silence and stillness. alone.
it leaves time for seeing friends and hanging out with family - going canoeing, listening to my dad play guitar - reading, scrapbooking, sleeping. i have time to think and to write. its really nice.
one of the things i've been thinking about a lot is how i will live and speak and be this summer. what are the best ways to explain why i am christian to a bunch of kids? (especially when they range in age from ... 8 to 17?) what is the gospel? what does it mean to be saved? what language can i use? how can i avoid christian clichés? or, perhaps better yet, how can i reclaim the clichés so that they mean something to me and to others?
so here is one beginning-of-an-answer to these questions.
let me know what you think. :) and i will post some pics from my colorado trip sometime.